Meet MOISES and Cristina

Meet Moises and Cristina Sanchez

My name is Cristina Vergara de Jesús, born in 1981 in the state of Morelos, Mexico. From a young age, I was introduced to the transformative power of prayer and the Word of God by my father, Gaudencio Vergara, who has since passed on, leaving me the legacy of prayer. His intercessory prayers became the soundtrack of my upbringing, instilling in me a deep understanding of the potency of prayer.

At the tender age of thirteen, I encountered the liberating force of prayer firsthand as I battled with depression during my adolescence. Finding solace in prayer and worship, I discovered the profound truth that prayer is a mighty weapon against despair and darkness. Scriptures such as Matthew 7:8 and Matthew 21:22 became pillars of my faith, reinforcing the belief that prayer is not only powerful but also efficacious.

My journey intertwines with that of Moises Sanchez, who immigrated to a land of opportunity but was ensnared in the grip of addiction and despair. His testimony of redemption and restoration serves as a testament to the transformative power of God’s grace. Through surrendering to His love and accepting His forgiveness, Moises found liberation from the darkness that once consumed him.

Together, Moises and I now embark on a ministry called “Time of Refreshing,” focusing on marriage and relationships. Drawing from our own experiences and inviting experts in the field, such as pastors and psychologists, we aim to shed light on issues that threaten marriages and relationships. Our desire is to offer hope and guidance to couples facing challenges, providing a platform for healing and renewal.

Time Of Refreshing

Our ministry is rooted in the belief that God’s grace is transformative and that through faith and prayer, marriages can be strengthened and relationships can be restored. It is our fervent prayer that “Time of Refreshing” serves as a beacon of hope, guiding couples out of the darkness and into the light of God’s love, where refreshment and renewal await.

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